Role: Creative Director, Managed creative content strategy for new incubation ACLU Action + multiple rapid response and flagship campaign's strategy, campaign design and content creation and distribution
Context: Purpose worked with the ACLU on reshaping the their brand, tone of voice and kinds of work the organization is known for, with the goal of establishing a participation-style model that could leverage public interest and cultural shifts. From online petitions to viral videos, the creative work has been tailor-made for public engagement under the new name: ACLU Action
Client: American Civil Liberties Union
Client Quote: “More and more the way we live and interact with the issues is through the online world, and that has to be front and center from the beginning and not as an after-thought. And that all came about because of the partnership with Purpose.” —Anthony D. Romero, ACLU Executive Director.
Projects: Movement Strategy and Brand / Rapid Response Campaign and Viral Videos / Campaign Identities, Digital Experiences and Social Graphics / Disruptive Print Campaigns
Press: The New York Times | Wired